May 6, 2009

Wednesday Evening Visit with The Homeless

This evening, Sisters Serving Sisters visited with the homeless at the Overflow Shelter. We had the privilege of meeting Ro and Nancy, two lovely ladies who were volunteering along side of us. We started the night off by crafting with the children while they made Mother's Day Cards for their moms. Not only did the children make cards, but so did some of the adults. It was a joy to see them jump right in a display their crafty side. As a thank you, one shelter client made a card for Nancy (photo of the green card). Also, one of the children's mother made a card for her 11 year old daughter, the mother proclaimed, "Because she deserves something nice, she is special too." (photo of the heart card)
You can see Ro in the photo to the right as she plays with a little baby. So then, after holding babies, sweeping and vacuuming up all the glitter that spread all over the tables and floor from the cards, we enjoyed watching and hearing little boys encircling the room by push around their toy trucks with such energy and playfulness (photo). It was a great night! We pray that we were able to bless homeless, just as we were blessed to have served. Ladies, we hope that you will be able to join us this Mother's Day morning as we go to prepare a Mother's Day breakfast for the homeless. You can contact us at our email address which is located at the bottom of our blog.
Praise Report: Our previous SSS post spoke about a family with 5 children. Well, tomorrow they will be moving into their own place! Now isn't that a huge blessing?