Oct 2, 2010

An Open Letter to The Beloved Ladies of Our Bible Study

The following is a goodbye letter from a former Saturday morning bible study attendee.
We will miss her dearly. God bless you, Charisa!

September 30, 2010
To all of the beautiful women of bible study,
            In September 2008 my best friend, soul mate and father of Sytara left this life and went to be solely in the realm of Spirit.  At this time I was of course broken at the core, shattered.  Simultaneously I was having these very powerful surges of energy that brought with them visions and revelations of why this was happening.  This energy was filled with a Love and comfort that cannot be defined in words…it was ineffable.  So I am broken and then instantly the Holy Spirit gets to work…I knew I could grab a hold and take this ride or I could turn away…become depressed, and ruin my daughter’s life entirely.  So I grabbed a hold with both hands and did my best to turn way from everything and everyone but God…I had to so strongly fight people off of me, close my ears to them and go with God.  We were taken to Bali, California three times and two Hawaii islands before ending up at the shelter here in SLO.
            The baptism that you witnessed was a ceremony and symbol for me in which God told me “it is finished”.  The words that Lord Jesus spoke as he hung on the cross and with his last breath fully offered himself to his Father in Heaven.  On the day of my baptism I had some idea what this meant however, after being gone for two weeks I have received many more revelations of what is being asked of me and as part of this I will not be returning.  Sytara and I will be heading to Ohio so that I can begin writing a book with God guiding my hand.  It is funny how God works because I have been pretty bold in my obedience to Him…leaving my family, home, support, country, living in a shelter but there were three things I told God I would not do…not Ohio ever again and if I have to go back Not in the winter…and no books, I do not want to write a book….Well, here I go to Ohio in the winter to write a book.  Oh how God humbles us.
            In the past year and a half Sytara and I have been to many beautiful locations and we have met all kinds of people.  I am only now beginning to understand the importance of living at the shelter and how much it has shaped me in a way that nothing else could.  In fact, in all our travels I have never felt sad to move on….and I feel a lot of emotion about leaving this place.  I realize that God has asked me to see and feel a lot and now I have to somehow take this and share it with the world.  So I want to thank each of you for your presence in my journey.  I can only hope to get this right.  I can only hope to portray the pain in your hearts, the strength of your spirits, the desire to be seen and cared for and the bravery for this life that you may live in the shelter to face yourself and also bring light to others who need you. 
            Jules and Depeche, thank you from my whole heart for providing a safe place for my daughter to learn about Jesus and for having the type of character development that allowed for me to feel comfortable to leave my daughter in your care.  May your journeys be blessed with love, joy and awesome adventures with God.
            Natalie, thank you for your brightness, your love and for getting God’s work done in such a humble manner.  You have brought great joy to Sytara and I.
Julie, thank you for the way in which you allow God to work through you and bring alignment and action to fruition. God works through you more than you realize and I am so thankful for your gifts.  
 Shirley, God Bless You!  You have such a wonderful spirit.  I really felt your heart when I put my hands on you and I want you to know that you are so worthy and important and that I have so enjoyed the life that you brought to this group.  There is a life waiting for you that is filled with grace and joy.  All you have to do is take what God is offering you. 
Michelle, thank you for always being kind and talking with Sytara.  I am often inspired by your presence in the homeless community and wonder if you are aware of how much God works through you.  Seeing you read your bible everyday had such an impact on me.  You simply are seen reading daily on your cot, not saying a word, not needing others to join you.  You simply walk the walk.  I know that if you have affected me that there have been others that witness you who are awakened to God in some manner as well…probably many others.  I know that you have troubles on your heart as well, as we all do.  I pray for whatever it is that you ask God for in your prayers be answered and that Peace and Joy be all you know.
Vickie, dear Vickie, I know that when I left trouble had crept back in.  I pray for you that you can fully reach out to the hand that wants to brush away all of your pain and replace it with a peace that you so deserve.  You are so beautiful and kind and I wish for you a heart of Joy. 
Irene, I am so happy to have met one of the Angels placed in the overflow.  You have so humbly worked for the Lord and I know that there is much goodness to come.  I thank you for the peace and safety that you brought to the bedside of Sytara and I.  I look forward to seeing how our last conversation comes to fruition.  We have both had encounters that go beyond the human brain that reveal the vastness of the God that we cannot comprehend.  God bless you Irene.  Oh yeah, and thanks for reminding me of our power to put Satan behind us by sharing “Getteth behind me Satan’’  I use it a lot...let us all remember the Light always is more powerful than the Dark. ALWAYS!
Sina, I cannot begin to express yet the fullness of our meeting because it has not fully revealed itself.  I know there is much change to come to this planet through our actions that will be taken in the future.  First of all, thank you for sharing your life and pain with me.  I know that you are a guarded person and that there are lots of wounds in there so thank you for trusting in me to share.  There will be more words for you later but for now…I want you to know that knowing you and your girls has recommitted me to my path of service and why it is important not to let the many, many blocks in the road get in the way of God’s work through us.  You have reminded me of the forgotten, for those who scream out and no one hears or maybe they hear but they do not help…You are a reminder as to why I have to share what God has given me, not just keep it for myself.  Stay strong Sina, this will come full circle for you very soon.  Your integrity and desire to push until the right things are done will be put to good use…you will tear down many walls of deception and reveal all the lies that will level systems built on suppression  and ego.  Then there will be room for a new foundation, built on Truth that your children can operate from.  You have a big mission…God would not have laid this trying path before you if you did not…I want you to know that I am always your friend and I am available to you via phone, email or simply by calling my Spirit to be with you. 
Sina, there are three visions that I have had that are for you and now I can share…1) I have shared this one…I had a vision of you and the girls driving away and I am behind you waving and chanting and yelling “Sina! Sina!”, with great excitement and strength.  The interpretation of this is that you are being led on a journey of healing and that you are supported fully in this…all you have to do is go where you are led.  I do not know where God shall lead but what is important is that He is leading and you are following and your girls are with you and there are other people who are behind you and support you.  You are never alone.  2) I have seen a vision of your father as a strong Samoan warrior standing on top of a mountain with a staff in his right hand and while my ears do not understand his language my soul knows he is yelling over the Earth “Unite my Tribe, Unite my Tribe”.  This of course stands to show you that he is with you and that he is active in your journey…part of you is this Samoan warrior, able to climb any mountain and proclaim with great courage change into the Earth.  This also shows that he is bringing his children together. 3) I have seen your father on bended knee humbled before the Lord…he has found a way to take this passion that used to be anger and channel it to work to benefit people…he has found away to work from his heart…your current circumstance is challenging you to do the same…to take your pain and anger and passion and heal your wounds with God and turn this into a way to make a change…surrender and the rest will come.
In closing, I would like to revisit the vision of this Samoan warrior on the mountain yelling “Unite my tribe! Unite my tribe!”  This man is God and He stands on that mountain over all the Earth demanding that all of Gods children are united as one…this stands outside of doctrine and religion and demands that we all make more room for those who are cast aside and led astray…make room for all my sheep.  I shall be the only judge…you just go do as I say and be in Love to all my people. 
“I have other sheep too, that are not in this sheepfold.  I must bring them also.  They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.”  John 10:16
To us all, may we go out and stir up good works and only measure in Faith, Hope and Love.  There is much to be done…let your passion stir…let your fire for God burn….the body of Christ is not complete without your offering….you hold gifts that need unleashed…so come on ladies…let’s Bring IT!!!
Bring it on!  The Kingdom of God comes through us!!
Let it be so!
Charisa and Sytara