Aug 19, 2009

Birthday Bash Blast!

What a blast we had last Wednesday at our August Birthday Bash at the Overflow!
Cake, ice cream, trick candles, balloons, cards, gifts, fun and was all there. It was such an exciting night as we celebrated all the August birthdays of children and the adult clients. One highlight of the night was watching as everyone tried in unison to blow out the trick candles. It was so fun to watch as one child in particular was laughing so hard when he blew out his candle and it sparked a new flame shortly thereafter. The evening went so well that at the end of the night one of the employees for the shelter said that she had never seen everyone so happy at once as they were at the party!
We take joy in serving and blessing others, we ourselves are so blessed that God has enabled and equipped each one of us to serve and He has given us the means to bless those who might be unable to provide a party for their loved ones. We pray that those who don't know Christ may come to know him as we serve in love.