Jul 5, 2010

SSS Independence Day BBQ/Picnic With Our Homeless Friends

It was a beautiful and sunny day as SSS celebrated Independence Day at a local park with a BBQ/Picnic on the 3rd of July. We enjoyed all the food and fun.  We served BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, beans, potato salad, green salad, squash, chips, drinks and decorated cupcakes!
Our sister, Melodee provided the craft for the kids (decorated bandanas). Volunteers played soccer, tossed water balloons and played with the children.

But when you give a feast, invite the poor , the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just."

Luke 14:13-14

Kid's Craft - Decorated Bandanas

The girls have fun coloring.


Balloon tosses were fun too.

Brett and his co-partner endured to the end.

Great catch!

Porter throws to Brett.

Jewl is ready.

Children in line to receive prizes.

Julie gets a big hug.

Thanks to all our volunteers, Joel, Porter, Brett, Matt, Mikey, Jewl and Ian for coming and playing with the kids and giving the parents a rest.

These cupcakes were delicious!