Mar 3, 2010

SSS Bible Study Retreat, March 5th-6th

This weekend, March 5th & 6th, we're treating the homeless ladies from our Saturday morning Bible study to a retreat by the beach!
It's our first Sisters Serving Sisters retreat entitled, "His Enduring Love for You". 
On the agenda is a walk on the beach, an evening devotional, a mexican dinner which will be prepared by our homeless ladies, Bible centered games, A Christ centered movie, relaxing candle lit bubble baths, a bountiful breakfast and morning devotional, Saturday morning Bible study and another walk on the beach.

We would like to express our thanks to the friends of SSS and special individuals who have lovingly offered to fund this retreat by donations.

We hope to have a wonderful time absorbing the truth of God's love for us this weekend.  Please pray for our ministry.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:5